NOW Avocado Oil Refined 118ml

NOW Avocado Oil Refined 118ml

NOW Avocado Oil Refined 118ml


Moisturizing oil

Softens fine lines

Supports skin in need of hydration and increased elasticity

Contains collagen-supporting amino acids and proteins, as well as vitamins A, D and E

Increases epidermal elasticity, while thoroughly moisturizing and softening stubborn, dry or cracked skin



100% NATURAL AVOCADO OIL DERIVED FROM AMERICAN AVOCADOS. Slightly heavier oil than others, Avocado is excellent for softening extremely dry, cracked skin. Often use by aroma therapists to mix with fragrant oils to produce healing rubs and ointments. It is nutrient rich oil containing amino acids, proteins, vitamin A, D, and E. Generally used as salad oil, avocado has been known to be an effective natural moisturizer for dry scalp and hair.


100% Pure Avocado Oil


Can be used as a scalp or skin conditioner, or as an emollient. Also makes a soothing massage oil

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